Growth – Music therapy to assist in educational development of children –

Growth – Music therapy to assist in educational development of children –

Music therapy nurture a child’s intellect.

The early childhood extend a variety of talents. By stimulating the auditory sensation can also extend tempered. Continue without strain. The shortcut to healthy growth and future capacity.

This music might be a little hard to listen. But it is a calculated effect. A variety of instrument sounds, natural sounds, reverberation noise. With certain laws, appear disappear.

By repeatedly listen to this music, Notice that the various forces, ability to discover, is wearing an ability to grasp the overall flow and structure.

You can increase effectiveness by continuously listening to music on the album.で知育発達補助CD「そだち」の音楽ファイルを購入する
iTunes Storeで知育発達補助CD「そだち」の音楽ファイルを購入する
monstar.fmで「そだち - 知育発達を補助する音楽療法 -」の音楽ファイルを購入する

MusicTherapy 01 Limit the amount of memory

Music therapy to assist the child’s educational development. The first music program.

The basic elements of music at the same time expanded many. It would be difficult to keep track of all, increases the sensitivity to sound while listening.

Please be careful to not surprise the children. Please play music and adjust the volume appropriately. You can increase effectiveness by continuously listening to other songs with the same program.

MusicTherapy 02 Perception sensor development

Music therapy to assist the child’s educational development. The second music program.

Please feel the changes in music over and over again. Ability to recognize a change is valid in all other areas as well as hearing.

Please be careful to not surprise the children. Please play music and adjust the volume appropriately. You can increase effectiveness by continuously listening to other songs with the same program.

MusicTherapy 03 Division of space and time

Music therapy to assist the child’s educational development. The third music program.

Training notice that there are certain rules from the seemingly chaotic, have important implications in the process of development. Please start by first listening to comfortably.

Please be careful to not surprise the children. Please play music and adjust the volume appropriately. You can increase effectiveness by continuously listening to other songs with the same program.

MusicTherapy 04 Difference and repetition

Music therapy to assist the child’s educational development. The fourth music program.

Song usually heard in the melody is repeated as usual, please carefully look for small changes.

Please be careful to not surprise the children. Please play music and adjust the volume appropriately. You can increase effectiveness by continuously listening to other songs with the same program.

MusicTherapy 05 The reaction rate increase

Music therapy to assist the child’s educational development. The fifth music program.

More difficult to follow by ear, quickly changes frequently occur. Please to feel in your body and to ease the feelings flow.

Please be careful to not surprise the children. Please play music and adjust the volume appropriately. You can increase effectiveness by continuously listening to other songs with the same program.

MusicTherapy 06 Feel the flow of progress

Music therapy to assist the child’s educational development. The sixth music program.

Pitch and tone according to certain rules will change. The theme of this song is expected to change. With repeated listening, to feel the change in the next advance.

Please be careful to not surprise the children. Please play music and adjust the volume appropriately. You can increase effectiveness by continuously listening to other songs with the same program.

MusicTherapy 07 Memory test

Music therapy to assist the child’s educational development. The seventh music program.

Please continue to flow carelessly music. Wider range of ideas that have heard about remembering. The frightened child, please start from the melody lower volumes.

Please be careful to not surprise the children. Please play music and adjust the volume appropriately. You can increase effectiveness by continuously listening to other songs with the same program.で知育発達補助CD「そだち」の音楽ファイルを購入する
iTunes Storeで知育発達補助CD「そだち」の音楽ファイルを購入する
monstar.fmで「そだち - 知育発達を補助する音楽療法 -」の音楽ファイルを購入する