Sleeping – Music Therapy for the baby sleeps –

Sleeping – Music Therapy for the baby sleeps –

Music for babies sleep soundly.

Babies are immune system is also up growth hormone secretion during sleep. The baby sleeps in order to recover strength and energy.

Spread throughout the body feeling soft sound, put your baby to sleep naturally.

Dim the lights in the room and scared enough, please let the music start at low volume. Protect your baby gently to sleep for a fine piece of hidden sound.

You can increase effectiveness by continuously listening to music on the album.で赤ちゃんが眠るCD「ねむり」の音楽ファイルを購入する
iTunes Storeで赤ちゃんが眠るCD「ねむり」の音楽ファイルを購入する
monstar.fmで「ねむり - 赤ちゃんが眠る音楽療法 -」の音楽ファイルを購入する

MusicTherapy 01 Sleep spiral

Music therapy for baby to sleep. The first music program.

Baby’s ears are delicate. Begins with a soft tone. Please note to prevent surprise baby. Please adjust the volume.

Please be careful to not surprise the children. Please play music and adjust the volume appropriately. You can increase effectiveness by continuously listening to other songs with the same program.

MusicTherapy 02 Duvet and pillows

Music therapy for baby to sleep. The second music program.

From the sound of life outside the room, the baby’s attention toward the music. Sensitive to the baby would be the big sound, you can turn down the volume a bit.

Please be careful to not surprise the children. Please play music and adjust the volume appropriately. You can increase effectiveness by continuously listening to other songs with the same program.

MusicTherapy 03 Play, fatigue

Music therapy for baby to sleep. The third music program.

Includes a high-pitched frequencies for baby’s hearing. Invite your baby’s tired while listening. A leisurely tempo, leading to the baby’s sleepiness.

Please be careful to not surprise the children. Please play music and adjust the volume appropriately. You can increase effectiveness by continuously listening to other songs with the same program.

MusicTherapy 04 Memories of Mother

Music therapy for baby to sleep. The fourth music program.

Low tone sounds intermittently. For the hearing, certain reassuring. It makes sense in the tone that sounds like the noise. Please listen as it is.

Please be careful to not surprise the children. Please play music and adjust the volume appropriately. You can increase effectiveness by continuously listening to other songs with the same program.

MusicTherapy 05 Playing in a dream

Music therapy for baby to sleep. The fifth music program.

Not only is the sound that you hear, it makes sense to have more reverb echoing in the back. The sound that continues longer, the baby’s drowsiness.

Please be careful to not surprise the children. Please play music and adjust the volume appropriately. You can increase effectiveness by continuously listening to other songs with the same program.

MusicTherapy 06 Smile, burp, breathe

Music therapy for baby to sleep. The sixth music program.

The shape of the sound to repeat certain sounds, to stabilize the baby’s heart. By repeating the advent of bass and treble and goes to sleep tired baby’s heart is relaxed.

Please be careful to not surprise the children. Please play music and adjust the volume appropriately. You can increase effectiveness by continuously listening to other songs with the same program.

MusicTherapy 07 World travel overnight

Music therapy for baby to sleep. The seventh music program.

Sound long stretches. Sound off short. Hard and soft tone sounds. After the baby is asleep, a program aimed at stabilizing the mind.

Please be careful to not surprise the children. Please play music and adjust the volume appropriately. You can increase effectiveness by continuously listening to other songs with the same program.で赤ちゃんが眠るCD「ねむり」の音楽ファイルを購入する
iTunes Storeで赤ちゃんが眠るCD「ねむり」の音楽ファイルを購入する
monstar.fmで「ねむり - 赤ちゃんが眠る音楽療法 -」の音楽ファイルを購入する